Friday, October 7, 2011

A scoop minus the poop

Hold onto your hats and get ready to load on the baby oil because another Jersey Shore type show is about to break onto the airwaves. Hopefully, you’re not sick of bitch fights and drunken hookups because a show called, Brooklyn Crew, is coming to an Oxygen channel near you. This show is about two groups of friends who are now rivals after betrayal and jealously tore them apart. It’s actually a coincidence since those two things are exactly what tore me and my cat apart. Want to know the best is part about is when it comes to this new show Brooklyn Crew? I worked on it this summer in New York City so a got a scoop minus the poop for you!

Being a naïve production intern, I had no idea how important this project was going to be, until they asked me to make copies of all twelve of these random teens headshots and then summarize each of their bios. When making all those copies and then neatly putting them all in the production binder, I finally realized the answer to a question I have waited all my life to answer; how does one become famous? The answer: take a head shot in which your hair teases at the top and is fried at the ends, make sure your skin color looks like that of a Native American’s who took a bath in a dark orange chalk like paint, and then put on enough eye make-up that puts the Sephora store to shame. Next step to become famous: write a bio of yourself that consist of three things.  1.) Talk about how mommy and daddy don’t get along. 2.) Write sentences that only a five year old can understand. 3.) Even if no one likes you, lie and say everyone loves you and you have a huge group of sexy looking best friends.
You should all be taking notes on this valuable information because believe me; this trend of reality bitch fight shows is not going anywhere. So you might as well hop on the band wagon and try out to be on one of these shows. Brooklyn Crew isn’t the only show that’s following this trend. Oxygen also asked Sallyanne Salsano, the creator of Jersey Shore (who I actually met recently and she offered me a job but I am saving that story for another blog post) to come up with the next big thing. So, the Jersey Shore creator is working on a show called Tanisha Gets Married which follows the outrageous path of former Bad Girls Club star Tanisha Thomas. I know, I know… I can’t wait to for all these new shows to air too!
Overall, like I said, we all need to embrace the trend of these reality shows. Working on these types of shows can actually be a fun time. Plus, who wouldn’t want to dedicate their life to making a random group of friends who are dumber then the turtle I had in the fourth grade, famous? I noticed that all the producers from Brooklyn Crew loved coming into work the next morning after staying up until 2am filming at club and having the highlight of their night be two drunken girls attempting to slap each other. Plus, listening to some of those conversations the producers had on the phone with some of the girls, “Well, do you think your mom would be ok with us filming in the house on Sunday”- truly priceless.  At least everyone who works on these types of shows (including myself who worked on reality shows all summer) can at least rest peacefully at night knowing that they changed the lives of a group of overly tanned teens. I mean, how many of you can say that you have made a realy contribution like that to the world?

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