Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Rise and Fall of Daniel Tosh

One Hollywood experience that is a must for everyone is watching a taping of a show. This past week my cherry was finally popped and as you can tell by the picture, I watched a Tosh.O taping. Since I intern with Comedy Central, they were able to give me and two other of the interns access to the standing room. This was located in back of the audience where all the other cool industry people stand.

Fun fact: Tosh.O is taped in the ghetto. Their studio is located down some random side street in Culver City where it seemed every other building was either abandon or occupied by LA drug lords. When we walked up to the studio, all the audience members awaited eagerly outside. For the first time, I didn't have to wait with the rest of the peasants and we quickly were re-directed to back stage and didn't have to go through security.

We stood in our assigned section, right next to the producers and watched as the audience was seated. Now, I'm not a die hard fan of Daniel Tosh so when he finally did come out, I didn't faint or kiss the ground he walked on. Actually, I was eager to see how he would be in person. The thing about television or movie personalities is that you never know how they act in real life. Are they nice, mean, smelly, funny, smart? You don't know until you see them in person. I did have some suspicion of the type of person Tosh is and by the end of the show, I realized I was correct. One word: jaded. Yup, that whole asshole, kind of jaded personality he plays on tv is pretty much how he is in real life.

During the whole taping of the show, it was easy for one to tell that he didn't really want to be there or that he was just sick of the show in general. He would constantly say things like, "Fuck, is this show over yet?" At first it was funny but as he kept saying it, it got really annoying. All these people took time out of their day to come to see a person who just ended up complaining the whole time.  I mean, who can blame him? Watching stupid YouTube videos all day would make me a jaded person too. The best part of this whole taping was what I witnessed at the end.

Once the show ended, the audience was escorted out the front doors and we were backstage with Tosh. He was speaking to one of the Comedy Central executives when all of a sudden this random guy pops out of no where and starts taking a video of Tosh. One of Tosh's producers asked the man to politely to put away the camera. To my surprise he didn't. Then, from this point on, everything was in slow motion.

We see one of the girl's from the audience sneak behind Tosh and pull back her fist. Then, she pushes it forward and up into Daniel Tosh's asshole. I guess I could have stopped this but hey, everyone needs to take a fist to their butt at some point. Tosh of course jumps, turns around and the girl starts laughing, expecting Tosh to laugh back. He didn't of course, and I thank him for creating the most awkward situation. Tosh then says to the executive who he was talking to, "Obviously I have great security here." The girl and her friend with the camera were then escorted out and Tosh was brought back to his green room.

As much as Tosh was kind of a jerk during the show, I actually felt bad for him. People always expect comedians and stars in general to be "in character" meaning that if you do something to them, they will alway joke around with you. Wrong. Even though Tosh has done many re-occurring segments with people getting fists punched up their butts, this doesn't mean Tosh himself is asking people to punch him in the butt.

I went home that night thinking that maybe it is a good thing if I never become famous. Would I really be able to take random people coming up to me and doing weird things to me? I couldn't do it without punching them. Then I realized, that this is probably why Tosh is so jaded...because everyone he talks to outside the show is always expecting him to joke around. So, to all my readers out there, next time your thinking about pulling off a joke or prank with a celeb, please think twice and don't punch them in the butt...instead aim for the balls.

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