Sunday, November 13, 2011

American Horror Story...a show based on everything Ryan Murphy couldn't get away with in Glee

Move over singing high school adults and say hello to American Horror Story that airs on Fox. Want to see what’s really going on in Glee’s creator, Ryan Murphy’s mind? Then you should probably stop watching Glee right now and go illegally watch the pilot of American Horror Story. That’s what I did today and oh boy, I have to say it was much more entertaining then watching a bunch of high schooler actors attempt to get hot and heavy in front of a camera.
I’ve heard a lot of talk about this show and after not wanting to get left out anymore, I finally gave in and watched the pilot episode. After the first 20 seconds, I knew that this was going to be my kind of show. The episode opens with two boys walking into a creepy looking house. Cut to a little girl who has down syndrome (because Ryan Murphy’s trademark seems to be having a down syndrome child in all his shows) who tells the boys that if they go in there that they will die. Of course the boys go in the house and get murdered by a creepy looking creature in the basement. 

After this opening sequence, we are then introduced to the Harmon family. Vivien walks in on her husband Benjamin having an affair. Now, wouldn’t the logical thing to do when you catch your husband getting dirty with another woman is to slap him across the face (or another body part) and then leave him? Nope. Instead, Vivien, her cheating husband Ben, and their teenage daughter, Violet, move across country to Los Angeles. 

Guess what house they move’re right! The creepy looking one because nothing says home like a bunch of people who have been murdered in the basement. Just incase the scary ass house wasn’t creepy by itself, Ben is a therapist who meets with mentally unstable patients in his home. One of his patients: a teenage boy who is freaking insane and says he wants to murder all his friends. Guess what lucky girl is attracted to this boy...yup, the daughter Violet, who by the way has a severe cutting problem. I wonder why Ryan Murphy didn’t write a “cutter” into the Glee script...he seemed to cover every other demographic. 

So of course, a bunch of weird, scary ass crap happens inside this house. One of the weird, yet intriguing things that happens, the house maid appears differently to Vivien and Ben. Vivien sees her as a 60 year old jaded maid and Ben sees her as a sexy, young, vixen who wants to dust off more then just the books in his office. 

In one of the scenes, as Vivien is painting the walls and all of a sudden, the same down sydrom girl from before, Addie, comes out of no where and tells Vivien that she is going to die. Addie’s mother, Constance, comes to get her daughter but turns out that she is just as weird as her daughter. I know all neighbors can be a bit weird (especially my neighbor who always invites me to get ice cream...even in the winter) but Constance is really out there since she lets herself into their house all the time. 
I almost forgot to mention, Ben sees a random guy who has half his body burnt, standing outside his window one day. A couple days later when Ben is jogging, he sees the guy again, catches the guy and asks him why he is stalking him. The guy, who has a really disturbing face, tells Ben that he needs to move out of the house. Turns out the guy use to live there with his wife and two kids but one night, while his family was sleeping, he soaked them all in gasoline and lit them on fire. The guy says that the voices inside that house told him to do this. I guess Ben doesn’t think this guys’ story is bad news bears because he doesn’t take the guy’s advice and move out.

A lot of other mini story lines happen throughout this first episode and it ends with Vivien having sex with who she thought was her husband dressed up in a full body custom. Well, it wasn’t her husband since he was sleep walking and ended up downstairs, holding his hand over the oven burner (which is actually funny because this is exactly what I do when I sleep walk). 
This show may not have any big time actors but it sure has everything else. Suspense, sexy camera moves, murderous creators in the basement, and an intriguing story line. I haven’t gotten a chance to watch all the other episodes but I promise you that I will. Nothing is better then a show that steps out of the television comfort zone and into the creepy, messed up mind of Ryan Murphy. I just hope Fin and Rachel from Glee make a special guest appearance in this show and go down into the basement of this haunted house.

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