Sunday, November 6, 2011

More Dawes, less cookies

I tend to ignore the "Free Showcase" emails that I get at work. I figured that if any band has time to come into the offices of VH1 and play a set, then they must not be that good. But since this showcase featuring Dawes was serving free cookies, I had no option but to pick myself up from my desk and take the elevator down to VH1. 

Next to the free cookies (that no one was eating because God forbid the skinny MTV and VH1 interns inhale over 300 calories), the band was handing out free albums. So to make it look like I wasn't there for just the cookies, I grabbed their album.

As they were setting up I realized that people in band's these days no longer have to look good. Remember the NSync boys and how all of them were hot (at least I thought so). Well, these guys looked average, kind of short (sorry short guys, I'm just not attracted to you) and kind of scruffy and smelly looking. Plus, they didn't talk much to the audience. I'll admit, I judged them. They looked like some low life band who couldn't get a break. So prepared myself to listen to some horrible music by grabbing a second cookie.

The first song they opened with was one called, Time Spent in Los Angeles. You know that feeling when lyrics of a song just match up perfectly with your life? Let me sing you the chorus; 

Cause you got that special kind of sadness
you got that tragic set of charms 
that only comes from time spent in Los Angeles
makes me wanna wrap you in my arms

These lyrics really hit home for me and after listening to them I just wanted to wrap myself up in my arms, grab a third cookie, and cry and laugh at the same time in a dark corner, under a desk. That's what good music gives you that feeling that it's talking to you personally. After that song, they only played two more that also gave me the feeling of wanting to snuggle up with my teddy bear and curl up in the fetal position. The guys said thank you and packed up their stuff and just like that, it was over. On the way home I listened to every song on their album. I was convinced that the singers from Dawes stalked me and wrote about my life since I could really relate to all the lyrics. Here are a few more lyrics from their songs:

My way back home:

I admit that these answers that I seek
Are all to questions I’ve never known
But I pray to keep on looking for as long as I can roam
And when the world finally fulfills me
I will not forget my way back home

If I wanted Someone:

If I wanted someone to clean me up, I’d find myself a maid
if I wanted someone to spend my money, I wouldn’t need to get paid
if I wanted someone to understand me, I’d have so much more to say
I want you to make the days move easy

By the end of the car ride home, after listening to all their songs, I thought about how those free cookies really saved me. It's sad that I would had missed out on an awesome opportunity to see these guy if there had been no free cookies advertised. This made me re-think my life a bit and now I'm going to pass on a mini life lesson that you should all live by too; there's more to life then free cookies. I hope you can take away form this valuable lesson and learn to look past life's free cookies, and open yourself up to new 

If you want to listen to Dawes and watch their videos then click here! I tried to post their videos to this blog but it won't let me because of some lame copyright thing. Enjoy!

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