Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome, please take your shoes off before you come into the door

Well hello there. Most of you may know me as Christine Ryan but please, call me Christine. You are all here for one reason....I actually don't know that reason (perhaps it consists of something pathetic or just a horrible case of boredom) but welcome to my blog. I have only been living in Los Angeles for about three weeks and already I've had some random conversations with people in the entertainment business. Whether it's the guy who works in the next cubical over from me and is best friends with Taylor Lautner or the woman I escorted into a pitch meeting and had no idea she is the creator of the Jersey Shore, I have met some crazy people in this business and I wanted to share my encounters that I have with them. So so far my encounters with these people have been two things: random and somewhat disturbing. I need a place where I can write my feelings and talk about my encounters of the day because honestly there are some crazy ass people in this industry. As you read my blog just pretend you snuck into my room and stole my journal. You jerk! How dare you! As you read my journal all I ask is that you don't judge the way I handle the situations that I find myself in. I'm new to Hollywood and I am not use to being around these people. I know, I may have a tendency of saying random things to people when I first meet them but it's not my fault. I can't help speak of what's on my mind. So sit back, relax, and if your from Emerson, put on your overly large black framed glasses and enjoy the read!

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